Thursday 21 May 2009

Hi Brett!

Yea, I know... it's been ages... sorry - kinda lost my appetite for writing about the stuff for a while... not gonna dwell on it but apologies to anyone who's been waiting for updates...

So, what's happened during the last month or so? Well, the chemo has continued - 3 sessions, the last of which was yesterday. The previous two were noteable for increasing sickness - specificly during the treatment actually at the Marsden.

During the earliest one I was actually sick at the Marsden for the first time, which wasn't much fun, but then again it seemed to get it out of my system so I wasn't quite as bad as usual at home, which was good. Also that week, my white counts came back a little low (specificly my neutrafil count - which I think are the white cells most important for fighting infection). They reduced the dose of two of the 4 drugs by 50%, and also I had to go to my local nurse to have a hormone injection the following day, which was fine appart from giving me rather achey legs for the next couple of days.

The next session I was really sick at the Marsden. That was unpleasant, but had the advantage that they had a new nurse in that day who recommended a new anti-sickness drug that she'd been using at her previous job - I'll get to that in a minute. Other than that I was ok once I got home and had some rest. Had a busy next few days after that (due to it being my Lovely Lady's birthday), which I got through pretty well, although I did run out of energy and feel a bit sick on the Saturday evening, which I think was just from doing a bit too much too soon (totally worth it though!)

Which brings us up to date and this week's session. Incidently this is session 1 of cycle 4 for those keeping up, which means I'm just past half way if everything continues to progress as expected - yey! So, this week I had the new anti-sickness drug (called Aprepitant). It's in the form of 3 pills, one to be taken an hour or so before the treatment, and one a day for the next couple of days... and good news - it seems to work! Basicly I just fell asleep during the treatment, woke up near the end, and it was all done and I felt ok. Still felt a little queasy last night and this morning as usual, but not actually sick, which is a big improvement, have still been tired as always, but have been eating ok, so that's good!

My white counts were a little low again, so I have to get hormone injections again. The doctor I saw this time was of a different opinion to the last one on the best way to do it, so this time I have to have 3 smaller ones, tomorrow (Friday) and two days next week, which is a bit inconvenient, but I guess if it helps, so be it.

And that's it for chemo news - the only other thing is that I'm booked for a CT scan on June 10th, which will be used to see how well the treatment has actually worked. It was a bit annoying - the doc I saw yesterday suggested it might be a PET scan, which, if it detected no cancer activity, could've meant an instant end to the chemo, so I got all excited for about 2 minutes until another doc came in and told him that they don't do it that way, it's just a CT after cycle 4, and then a PET after cycle 6. No idea why it has to be that way, but that's the way it is , oh well.

Other than chemo what else have I been up to? Loads! Saw the Lion King musical (great costumes!), Wolverine (great action!) and Star Trek (great Spock!). Am also rewatching Battlestar Galactica with Lex (her first time) - so very, very good - I reccomend it to everyone - weather you love or loathe sci-fi, you'll love BSG!

Also got a new bike (which I have named 'Homer'). He's very cool. And shiny. Looking forward to many a good ride with him in the future. 

Think that's about it for now, sorry again for the crazy wait for news, I'll try to be better!

peace & love

b x

Friday 27 March 2009

The Prodigal Blogger Returns

Dang, I'm a bit rubbish at this blogging lark right? I'm gonna try to keep myself to at least 1 post a week from now on - apologies for my poor performance up 'til now!

Right, first an update on the last couple of weeks - after the first couple of days of queasyness and tiredness from the second session were done with things proceeded much as with the first one... by the weekend I was 90% ok and the following week was fine - I worked most the week with no problems at all - even seem to have most my lifting ability back, tho my energy levels aren't quite what they were. But all in all, was fine for that week & a bit.

This Wednesday was the 3rd session, which actually counts as the start of the 'second cycle'. Most of the day proceeded as with the first two, so I wont go over things you've read before. This time round, as it's a new cycle, had to have a brief meeting with a consultant to go over my bloodtests and confirm I was ok to go one with the treatment. It really was brief, basicly everything's ok - apparently my white count is a little low, but within that the percentage of "badass cells" (can't remember the proper name), that do most of the bug - ass kicking, is high, so all's well. Weather was a bit rubbish this time for more woods-walking, but not actually raining (much) so I decided to walk into Sutton instead  - bit more of a trek than I thought, but killed some time at least (and I got a new 'gorrila-pod' for my gangsta new camera, so that was fun). Got the bus back to the hosp just in time to wait another 45 mins for the treatment :-)

The treatment was much as usual... Paula (my sister) was my designated driver for the day and she got me home in one piece. Had about half an hour at home before the tiredness hit me and had to hit the sack. Woke up at 7ish - didn't actually feel too bad, but then I tried to actually get up - bad idea - was quite violently sick, which wasn't very pleasent (the Gregs steak bake I'd had in Sutton came back to haunt me!) - fortunately had a bucket to hand at least. Continued t0 feel a iffy for the rest of the evening, but managed to get some dinner down me at least.

Yesterday was better - slept late and continued to feel tired most the day, along with occasional bouts of queasiness between anti-nausea pills, but wasn't too bad really. Appetite still not quite back to normal but I'm sure that'll come within the next couple of days. Today's been much like yesterday really, only woke about an hour ago  - still feeling a touch dodgy but I think that might be 'cause I'm typing about being sick and it's bringing up bad thoughts! Just took an anti-nausea - hopefully that'll do away with it.

Think I'll leave it there for now. As usual, thanks for all your kind messages and sorry if I didn't get back to them. Until next time (which will hopefully be sooner than last time!). Love ya all,

b xx

Thursday 12 March 2009

Chemo 2: The Return

First of all, thanks to everyone who's sent texts over the last couple of days, sorry if I didn't get back to all of them...

Second chemo session was much the same as the first really, although with even more delays... Got to the Marsden at 9am, waited a little while, then had my canula put in (nurse didn't quite hit the vein right first time so had to go again - annoying!), and bloodtests done. By then it was about 10, and I was told to come back at 11ish...

There's a big wood opposite the hospital and I thought my free hour would be a good oppertunity to do a bit of exploring... had a lovely walk in the woods for about half hour - then back to the hospital - I only wished that I'd stayed out longer! Got back to the waiting room and cracked back into my book (Anathem by the awesome Neal Stevenson) - got a bit caught up in it and next time I checked my watch it was half 12 and still nothing. Eventually they called me in at 1 - the drugs were ready, but then they couldn't find my chart - and they couldn't start without the chart - great. Managed to dash outside and call to tell Bill (my driver for the day - thanks!) to delay his arrival. Finally got going at 1:30 - procedure was much as last time, was finally done at about 3.

Drive home was fine, and was ok at home for about an hour, but then the queasyness came on in quite a big way, and quite quick, although I wasn't actually sick this time, I just hit the bed and slept until about 8. Still felt iffy when I woke up, but eventually worked up the will to get up and get an anti nausea pill - they're real good and within 20mins it had kicked in and I was feeling much better. Had a nice bit of steak for dinner, and went back to bed... all in all, not fun, but could've been worse.

Today was generally fine - a little queasy once or twice, but otherwise all good... I'll write more tomorrow but back to bed now I think :-)

sleep well folks!

Monday 9 March 2009

Quickie for new readers....

Hi just a quick one to say hello to new readers since I'm gonna put my situation and a link to this in my facebook status after I've posted this so I guess there might be a few new people looking in... Hello!

If you're new it's worth going back and reading from the first post - it's a pretty comprehensive roundup of what's happened and should answer most questions you might have.

Also Felix's lovely Mama Uli asked me if she could pass on a link to this blog to someone else she happens to know in the same situation - I just wanted to answer that question here as the answer applies to everyone - Yes! Of course... If anyone wants to link to this they're very welcome, and if it's any help at all to anyone with a similar problem I'd be delighted. 

Also, if anyone want's to get hold of me, whether I know ya or not, please feel free to track me down on facebook (tho if you're adding me on FB please ref the blog when you request friendiness or I might just think you're a nutter), or e-mail me at - no porn please (unless it's really good).

(Rather Late) First Week Roundup


Bit of a delay since the last post - apologies for keeping y'all in suspense!

It's been about a week and a half since the first chemo session, and I gotta say - them scientist fellows know what they're doing - it's going well!

Symptoms: The reduction in symptoms has been pretty surprising in its rapidness (is rapidness a word? Rapidity? Whatever - it was quick). Just to recap, my primary sypmtoms (other than the lumps of course), were an aching pain in the underarms and across the chest, fairly severe night-sweats, tiredness and a general all-over itchiness.

Within 2-3 days of the chemo the night-sweats had gone. This was a good thing - if nothing else changing the sheets twice a week gets rather tiresome (dunno how Lex put up with it - she's an angel I tell's ya :-)  ...within a similar period the aches went - that was the best of all - to be honest I don't think I realised quite how much they'd been getting to me 'til they went - it was like having a clear head after having a headache for 2 months. And it meant I could sleep comfortably on my sides for the first time since new-years - joy! The itchiness hung around for a few more days, but had largely gone by early last week. Of course, now I'm typing about it I'm itching - but that's just psycology - I bet you're itching reading about it aren't you? If you weren't you are now! Back of the head? Right foot? Feel something creeping over your left shoulder? ....ok, ok, I'll stop messing with ya ;-) Lastly was the tiredness - even that seems better this last week - despite the chemo itself having tiredness as a side-effect, with the better sleep without the aches and sweats it still seems like an overall improvement.

Side effects: The side effects have definately not been as bad as they might've been - I'm not being complacent by any means, I realise things could change from session to session, but as it stands I really can't complain. As mentioned in the previous post, I was a little sick on the day of the chemo, but only a little. After that I was very tired/drained for the next few days, and my appetite was a bit variable (though I still managed to eat ok every day). I had occasional queasy periods, but the anti-nausea pills dealt well with that. But all of that faded quickly over the 4-5 days following the chemo, and by the start of the next week I was feeling almost back to full-form. I get tired quite quick if I do anything strenuous, but other than that it's all good - I worked 2 days last week, and again today, and had a fairly busy (and enjoyable!) social weekend, which is all good. The worst thing is having to repeatedly turn down tasty looking prawn starters when we're eating out. I want prawns!!!

So, all-in-all, it's early in the first half but it's Cancer - nil, Chemo - 1 ...Chemo takes an early lead!... hopefully a sign of things to come! I've still got to be careful of infection and what I eat, and I'm well aware things may not always be so smooth, but right now I'm more positive than ever. (And for those of you who're interested, the hair's still hanging on - apparently it doesn't start going 'til second cycle, so I'll be keeping a close eye on the shower floor and the pillows next month!)

Next chemo is on Wednesday - more then if not before!

Rock on kiddos, peace & love, b

Thursday 26 February 2009

Chemo Day 1

Well, yesterday was day 1 of my chemo...

Got to the Marsden in good time for my 9:30 appointment. Was called in quite quick to have a canula put in (the vein-valve kinda thing that makes it easy to give multiple injections / drips without making me look like a pin cushion), but was then told that my drugs wouldn't be ready 'til about 11:30, so Denise (my driver for the day - much appreciated!) and I went for a drive and got a couple of bits of shopping that needed doing.

Arrived back just in time to be called in for my treatment. I get to sit down in a nice comfy chair (a recliner - woohoo!) and a nurse gives the 4 ABVD drugs. First is a bloody-great injection of red stuff, next a smaller clear injection, then one drip/infusion given over a few minutes, and finally another which takes about an hour. All together the process took about an hour and a half, although I was able to read my book so it was fine really, the time flew by.

Afterwards I felt fine - they didn't have my various take-home pills ready so asked if I could go down to the pharmacy myself for them to speed things up, so did that, and was told there would be about an hour's wait. Denise and I went and had a sandwich and a hot chocolate in the cafe, and by the time we'd done that they were ready and we headed home.

On the drive home I started to feel increasingly queasy - just like motion sickness really... managed to make it home and lay down, which made me feel better, but still not quite right - started to think I was ok to sit up (halfway through typing the previous post)... turns out that wasn't a good idea - luckily Denise had brought me a 'just in case' bucket a few minutes earlier! Anyway, was just a little bit sick, and felt better almost immediately afterwards.

After that slept for a good few hours. I felt ok in the evening, just very drained, but managed to eat some dinner, which was good. This morning has been ok, feel a bit like I have a mild hang-over, but it's not too bad at all. Have had breakfast and taken my selection of pills, and all seems to be well. 

So that's all for now... hope everyone's having good days! laters, b

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Back home....


Back in one piece from first chemo. Felt fine directly after but car journey home brought on some nasty nausea.......................................

.......................ok, not just nausea, was just a bit sick... will do a full accout later, right now I gotta sleep.

(Don't worry, I feel better now it's out... )

b x